Ahmedabad District Co-operative Bank Recruitment Notification 2022 for Bank Jobs in Ahmedabad District. Apply for Job vacancy in ADC bank, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Update: currently there are no active vacancies in ADC bank. We will update the ADC Bank notification here whenever there is a new recruitment. Though, you may check the jobs in other govt banks in the Gujarat state and other parts of the country. Visit here for Government Jobs in Banks 2022.
About Ahmedabad District Cooperative (ADC) Bank:
Ahmedabad District Cooperative (ADC) Bank was originally registered as the Dascroi Taluka Co-operative Federation in 1922. The above federation was financed by the apex bank for on-lending to the affiliated societies. In the year 1925, the federation was given the name of ‘Dascroi Co-operative Banking Union’ and objects of this union were identical to that of the District Central Co-operative Bank, and subsequently in 1937 amendments were made in the bye-laws of the Union and the bank started functioning as ‘Ahmedabad Central Co-operative Bank Ltd.’
This bank became a full fledged central financing agency for Ahmedabad district in 1954 and since 1964 it is known as ‘THE AHMEDABAD DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE BANK LTD’ The Gandhinagar district was included in its area of operation in March,1966.
The Ahmedabad District Cooperative Bank with 89 years of its presence in and around Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and Botad Districts has catered to the banking needs of the farmers and other villagers which have resulted in sizable increase in the deposits of the bank. The bank has also made special efforts for mobilization of deposits by cultivating habits of savings in the rural area. The bank has a wide network of 162 branches and 22 extension counters across three districts under its jurisdiction as on 31-03-2014. This bank has opened branches not only at taluka and business centers but also in the smallest centers in the rural areas with a consideration to serve farmer community, who were deprived of banking facilities.
We update as soon as Ahmedabad District Cooperative Bank publish a new recruitment notification. So keep visiting on this page for current and upcoming ADC Bank jobs notifications.
ADC Bank Address:
The Ahmedabad District Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
Gandhi Bridge Corner, Opp. Income Tax Office,
P.B.No. 4059, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Pin Code: 380 009.
Call us on : 079-27542608,09,10,11
Email : info@adcbank.coop
Website : www.adcbank.coop
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